Grants & Funding Information

Since 2013, ESCA have provided ESCA associated clubs with the opportunity to claim grants for developing their youth cricket aspirations and projects.  A large number of teams have taken advantage of the scheme, with a little over £17,000 given to clubs.

Given the success, the maximum grant was been increased to £500, allowing some clubs to undertake larger projects.  There are restrictions on what can be claimed for and it is expected that the club contribute a small amount to the project too, therefore there are no 100% funded projects.  The full Ts and Cs are available below.

The complete application should be returned to Neil Granger (or ESCA committee), where it will be assessed and, if successful, the money will be passed to the club via the named contact.

The money is there and it is simple to apply. I would encourage teams to do so. I also note that if you claimed in previous years, you are entitled to do so again (obviously not for the same equipment!!)


EXCEL version: ESCA Youth Cricket Grant Application Final – Rev 1 – 150412

PDF version: ESCA Youth Cricket Grant Application Final – Rev 1 – 150412

Women & Girls Grants & Funding Information


ESCA member Scott Russell has compiled a list of some of the available funding schemes outside of ESCA for clubs to view.


2014 Communities

Grants available from £300 to £2,000 to encourage increased participation in sport to priority groups. Only one grant submitted in 12 month period.


Cash 4 Clubs

Grants available from £250 to £1,000 for new equipment or increased sporting opportunities. Applications can be made 3 times a year.


Cashback for Communities

Assistance available for youth work activities with an anti violence focus. Funding only available intermittently.


Voluntary Action Fund

Small grant available up to £1,000 in any 12 month period.,1356/grants/community_grants/


Co-operative Community Fund

Small grants from £100 to £2,000.


Peoples Postcode Trust

Small grants from £500 to £10,000.

OSCR registered up to £10,000 non OSCR registered up to £2,000.


Viridor Credits Scotland

For projects promoting community participation.

Grants not exceeding £30,000.


Biffa Award

Small grant £250 to £5,000 or main grant £5,000 to £50,000


Awards for All Lottery Grants

Awards are made to voluntary sports clubs and community organisations with incomes of less than £20,000 per annum. Eligible projects must be developmental and cost no more than £10,000. Grants are available from £500 up to a maximum of £5,000. The annual grant fund available for distribution is £1 million. Applications are assessed at monthly panel meetings and processed within six weeks of receipt. The success rate for applications is approximately 66%.

Contact Address: 4th Floor, 1 Atlantic Quay, 1 Robertson Street, Glasgow, G2 8JB.
Contact Number: 0870 240 2931 for advice or an application pack.


The BBC Children in Need Appeal

Awards are made to voluntary organisations for projects assisting disadvantaged children and young people up to age 18. Grants start at a few hundred pounds with the upper limit depending upon the merits of the project. The annual grants fund in Scotland is around £4 million. Applications are accepted for March and November deadlines and assessment takes four months. The success rate for applications is over 50%.

Contact Address: BBC Scotland, G10 40 Pacific Drive, Glasgow, G51 1DA
Contact Number: 0141 4226111



Comic Relief

Awards are made to voluntary organisations for projects that address issues of poverty or social injustice. Small grants of up to £5,000 and large ones over £5,000 (with no upper limit) are awarded across six different programmes. The annual grants budget for UK programmes is approximately £15 million. Applications for small grants are accepted at any time but those for large grants must meet four-monthly deadlines. Large grants take five months to process.

Contact Address: UK Grants Team, 5th Floor, 89 Albert Embankments, London SE1 7TP
Contact Number: 020 7820 5555


Commander Collins Bursary

Awards are made to individuals and sports clubs to help fund coach development training. Grants are offered in the range from £200 to £1000.

Contact Address: C/O Gayle Tennich, Torch Trophy Trust, Francis House, Francis
Street, London, SW1P 1DE
Contact Number: 020 78548500


The Esmee Fairbairn Charitable Trust

Awards are made to voluntary organisations for projects that contribute to community development. Grants are made in the range from £300 up to £600,000 across four different programme areas (Art & Heritage, Education, Environment and Social Change). The annual UK grant fund is in the order of £28 million. The application success rate is around the 50% mark. Applications can be made at any time and decisions on awards are made at quarterly Trustees meetings. Applications for grants of less than £20,000 are normally assessed within two months while the process for larger awards takes five months.

Contact Address: Kings Place, 90 Yorkway, London, N1 9AG
Contact Number: 020 78123700


Foundation for Sport and the Arts

Awards are made to local groups for projects that bring benefits to their communities, especially in terms of active participation by young people. Grants of up to £40,000 are available. The annual UK grants budget is around the £60 million mark, mostly directed to sport rather than the arts. The typical success rate for applications is 33%. Applications can be made at any time and there is no fixed timescale for assessment.

Contact Address: Walton House, 55 Charnock Road, Walton, Liverpool, L67 1AA
Contact Number: 0151 259 5505.


The Hugh Fraser Foundation

Awards are made to non-profit organisations for projects involving the disadvantaged and disabled. Grants ranging from £1,000 up to £100,000 (average £4,000) are made for a broad range of uses across Scotland. The annual grants budget is around £1.2 million. The average success rate for applications is approximately 40%. Trustees consider applications on a quarterly basis and the assessment process may take up to three months.

Contact Address: c/o Turcan Connell, Princess Exchange, 1 Earl Grey Street,
Edinburgh, EH3 9EE.

Contact Number: 0131 228 8111


The Gannochy Trust

Awards are made to registered charities for a wide range of projects but primarily those involving youth and recreation. Upper and lower limits are not published but grants are available for up to £200,000 in exceptional circumstances. The annual grants budget is in the order of £4.25 million. Applications can be submitted at any time for consideration at monthly Trustees meetings with the assessment process taking around six weeks.

Contact Address: Kincarrathie House Drive, Pitcullen Crescent, Perth, PH2 7HX
Contact Number: 01738 620653.


J. Paul Getty Junior Charitable Trust

Awards are made to voluntary groups operating in deprived areas for projects that attempt to alleviate poverty. Grants are awarded in the range from £5 to £15,000. The average annual UK grants budget is £1.3 million. Applications can be submitted at any time for consideration at quarterly Trustees meetings with the assessment process lasting a minimum of three months. The success rate for applications is around 11%.

Contact Address: 1 Park Square West, London, NW1 4LJ
Contact Number: 0207 486 1859


Halifax Bank of Scotland (HBOS) Foundation

Awards are made to voluntary groups for projects that help to develop or improve their communities. There is no upper or lower grant limit but the average award made is around £3,400. The annual Community Investment grant budget is just over £1 million. Applications can be made at any time for consideration at quarterly Trustees meetings while the assessment process normally takes around four months.

Contact Address: PO Box 5, The Mound, Edinburgh, EH1 1YZ
Contact Number: 0845 673 2005


The Peter Harrison Foundation

Awards are made to registered charities for projects involving sporting activities that provide development opportunities for disabled or disadvantaged people. Grants are offered from £500 with no published upper limit. The UK grants budget is approximately £600,000 per annum. Applications can be made at any time for consideration at quarterly Trustees meeting and the assessment process normally takes six months.

Contact Address: Foundation House, 42-48 London Road, Reigate, Surrey, RH2 9QQ
Contact Number: 01737 228000.


Laing’s Charitable Trust

Awards are made to voluntary groups for projects in the fields of homelessness, disadvantaged youth, education and the environment. Grants are made up to a maximum of £1,000. The annual grants budget for the whole of the UK is around £1.5 million. The success rate of applications is approximately 20%. Applications can be made at any time and the assessment process may take several months.

Contact Address: 33 Bunns Lane, Mill Hill, London, NW7 2DX.
Contact Number: 020 89597321


Laing’s Family Foundation

Awards are made to voluntary groups for projects covering a broad range of fields. Grants are made up to a maximum of £1,000. The annual UK grants budget is around £500,000. The application success rate is approximately 20%. Applications can be made at any time and the assessment process may take several months.

Contact Address: 33 Bunns Lane, Mill Hill, London, NW7 2DX.


Lloyds TSB Foundation for Scotland

Awards are made to charitable organisations for projects that are intended to improve the lives of people in disadvantaged and marginalised groups. Standard grants are offered in the range £500 up to £10,000 (average £4,599) for projects involving Social and Community Needs, Education and training or Scientific, Medical and Social Research. The annual grant fund is around £1.4 million. The application success rate is 47%. Applications should be submitted according to published bi-monthly deadlines and the assessment process normally takes around three months. Note: the Foundation runs other programmes including Capacity Grants.

Contact Address: Riverside House, 502 Gorgie Road, Edinburgh, EH11 3AF.
Contact Number: 0131 4444020


The Lord’s Taverners

Awards are made to voluntary organisations for projects that encourage young people under 25 with physical or mental disabilities to participate in sporting and recreational activities within a group environment. Grants of up to £5,000 are available. The annual budget for grants in Scotland is around £90,000. Applications can be submitted at any time for consideration by a quarterly Trustees meeting and the assessment process may take up to three months.

Contact Address: 10 Buckingham Place, London, SW1E 6HX
Contact Number: 020 7821 2829


MacRobert Trust

Awards are made to charitable organisations for projects involving one of seven areas of major interest (includes youth, education and community welfare). There is no upper or lower limit for grants although most are made in the range from £5000 to £10,000. The annual grant fund for the UK is £2.2 million Applications should be made in time for deadlines in June and October with the assessment process taking four months.

Contact Address: Cromar, Tarland, Aberdeenshire AB34 4UD
Contact Number: 0133988144


The Rank Foundation

Awards are made to charitable organisations for projects involving disadvantaged young people, the elderly and the disabled. Although there is no published grants limit, most are for under £5,000. The annual UK grants budget is in the order of £7.8 million. The success rate for applications is around 25%. Applications can be submitted at any time for consideration at quarterly directors meetings with the assessment process taking up to four months.

Contact Address: Head Office, 12 Warwick Square, London, SW1V 2AA
Or: Youth Projects Scotland, The Rank Foundation, Rooms 9/10
Redhills House, Redhills Lane, Penrith, CA11 0DT
Contact Number: 01768 210722


The Robertson Trust

Awards are made to charitable organisations for a wide range of projects involving education or the relief of poverty, including community sports initiatives. Grants up to £5,000 are made through the Trust’s small grants scheme with no upper limit to awards under its major grants programme. The annual grants budget is around £6 million. The success rate of applications is approximately 33%. Applications can be submitted at any time for consideration at bi-monthly Trustees meetings and the assessment process normally takes up to three months.

Contact Address: 85 Berkley Street, Glasgow, G3 7DX
Contact Number: 0141 221 3151


The Scottish Community Foundation

Awards are made to small constituted groups for projects involving social welfare or community development themes and categorised under three different headings: community; women’s fund; and sport relief. Small grants of up to £1,000 and main grants of up to £5,000 are available. The annual grants budget is in the order of £600,000. Applications can be submitted at any time for assessment by a monthly grants panel. The assessment process takes around six weeks for small grants and three months for main grants.

Contact Address: Edinburgh office: 22 Calton Road, Edinburgh, EH8 8DP Tel: 0131 5240300. Glasgow Office: Empire House, 131 West Nile Street, Glasgow, G1 2RX Tel: 0141 3414460


Henry Smith Charity

Awards are made to community organisations for projects involving disadvantaged children or the provision of rehabilitation or training services for the disabled. Grants are available in the range from £500 to £10,000. The annual UK grants budget covering all grants programmes is around £20 million. Applications can be submitted at any time for decisions at fortnightly Small Grants Committee meetings and the assessment process should take four weeks.

Contact Address: 6th Floor, 65 Leadenhill Street, London, EC3A 2AD Contact Number: 020 72644970


Social Investment Scotland

Loans are offered to social enterprises for projects that benefit the disadvantaged or vulnerable. Loans can be given in the range from £10,000 up to £500,000 with repayments covering periods from one to ten years. The value of the loan fund is £6 million.

Contact Address: 2nd Floor, 1-2 St Andrew Square, Edinburgh, EH2 2DB
Contact Number: 0131 558 7706



Awards are made to non-profit distributing sports organisations for grass roots development projects involving commercial sponsorship income. Grants are available from £500 up to £10,000 in a direct pound for pound match to the available commercial sponsorship. The annual grants budget is £250,000. Applications can be made at any time for consideration at quarterly panel meetings with the assessment process taking no more than four months.

Contact Address: sportscotland, Doges, Templeton on the Green, 62 Templeton
Street, Glasgow, G40 1DA.
Contact Number: 0141 5346500 Fax: 0141 5346501


Dickie Bird Foundation

Max grant £5,000. For young people under 18.

07503 641 457


Health Communities Small Grants Programme

Project cost under £25,000


Young Scot Action Fund

£750 for groups.