Mike (Scribe) Scott (Linlithgow CC)
On the 21st May 2020, Mike (Scribe) Scott of Linlithgow CC sadly and unexpectedly passed away. Scribe was the scorer for the Linlithgow CC / West Lothian CCC for over 30 years and, as such, Linlithgow Cricket Club are fundraising to either rebuild or revamp the scorebox at Boghall in his memory.
They are raising money through a Just Giving page, and at time of writing had exceeded their initial target of £5,000 (which is fantastic), but the more money raised the better as this will dictate what can actually be done.
The link to the site is here: https://www.justgiving.com/crowdfunding/scorebox4scribe?utm_id=106
Please contact Kevin Stump or any of the Linlithgow team if you want to know more or can provide additional help.